Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Harriet's Hare by Dick King-Smith

significant- i think this book is important because it relates to many stories and to our lives and this book is something that you would really like to read because its really funny and cool.

perspective- this work was created by Dick King-Smith.

evidence- this story is not claimed as a true story because in the book the rabbit "Wiz" talked and animals don't talk.
i think i support my thoughts by reading some sentences more than once so i can really know was the book is going to be about.
and be right.

connection- i think that this book relates to my life because i love animals and I've been to farms allot and on this story Harriet lives on a farm.This books history is that its old so its been passed on and a lot of people have read it and it popular.

supposition- the prediction i can do based on my information is that the hare and Harriet are going to become good friends.
i think what would happen if i applied this to a new situation is that it would seem weired because maybe their two different kinds of book/situation and it wouldn't make sense.

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